Monday, June 2, 2008

Calamine lotion to treat acne and acne fighting birth control

It is important that you eat plenty of fruits or vegetables during each meal in order to get proper nutrition for immune function and skin construction. Whole grains, legumes, and nuts are also advisable. Avoid animal fats, trans fats, high fructose corn syrup, and sugar. Not only will your skin be healthier, but you should find that every part of your physical and mental being have more vitality when you eat properly.
Acne is caused by hormonal changes, which is why so many teenagers suffer so much from this physically unpleasant and psychologically damaging infection. The sebaceous glands, not far below the surface of the skin, naturally produce sebum, an oil which moisturises the skin. Sometimes the hormonal activity caused sebaceous glands to work overtime and produce excess sebum which can then clog up the pores, the tiny holes in the skin. In these unnaturally confined spaces nasty bacteria can start to multiply and thrive. In a few days the infection can erupt into those unpleasant pimples so many of us are familiar with.
Sage and Aloe Vera have healing properties. Apply Aloe Vera directly to the skin. Seep sage in hot water, cool and then apply.
tags: newborn acne on head and neck, adult acne natural remedies, how to treat acne from pregnancy

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